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The next chart shows that the increases in BAA issuance occurred across industry groups. Thus, while all of the corporate AAA issuance is concentrated in just two firms, BAA issuance is more widespread, creating a potential mismatch in issuer characteristics between AAA bonds and BAA bonds.

Moreover, recentacademic literaturehas documented that insurance companies divest from bonds that have been downgraded to high-yield. So bonds that are already declining in price because of a deteriorating credit outlook can face further stress from the associated selling pressure. In the current corporate debt landscape, with a greater amount outstanding of BAA-rated corporate debt and higher net leverage of investment-grade debt overall, the possibility of a large volume of corporate bond downgrades poses a financial stability concern.




10 .2019年5月6日:跌幅5.58%2019年5月5日,特朗普发表微博称,决定从5月10日对中国价值2000亿美元商品的税从10%上调到25%。受此影响,5月6日,股市暴跌,上证综指收于2906.46,下跌171.88点,跌幅5.58%。沪深两市成交量7479.7亿元,成交量环比有所扩大。
